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                  the works of gilles deleuze
                  The Works of Gilles Deleuze I: 1953-1969
                  Jon Roffe

                  The first of two volumes, 【美股可选消费】长轮子的比特币?华尔街优望逆天涨势:2021-2-6 · GLJ Research分析师Gordon Johnson形象地将特斯拉称为“轮子上的比特币”。从一项技术指标来看,特斯拉反弹速度甚至高于比特币巅峰,14日相对强弱指标高达92.5。 然而周三开盘,特斯拉回吐了前一日所有涨幅,剧烈的波动率确实犹如比特币。introduces, book by book, the philosopher’s daunting corpus, from his early monographs on Hume, Nietzsche, Kant, and Bergson; to the “literary clinic” he creates in relation to Proust and Masoch; and, finally, to the landmark publication of Difference and Repetition (1968) and Logic of Sense (1969).

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                  Toula Nicolacopoulos and George Vassilacopoulos

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                  Lionel Fogarty
                  比特彗星免费下载_比特彗星免费最新版下载[BitComet]-下载之家:2021-5-13 · 比特彗星免费版拥有多项领先的BT下载技术,有边下载边播放的独有技术,也有方便自然的使用界面,还可众通过BT技术加速您的普通下载。 比特彗星安装界面

                  This is the first selected edition of Lionel Fogarty’s poetry covering nearly forty years of his writing; it contains 174 poems from each of his eleven published collections, along with a range of unpublished poems up till the present. The volume features an introduction, biography, notes and glossary and has been put together with the full cooperation of the poet.

                  Stock - These Wonderful Spring Days

                  Jeremy Stock

                  These Wonderful Spring Days is a collection of work arranged in the order it was written, allowing for the idea of progress. It allows for the idea of progress in the sense that, even if there is to be none, it is nevertheless allowed for. Space is made for it, time is allocated to it.There is no visionary experience, for anyone, of anyone, in this work, it is all strictly material–material in the sense that it is a temporary and transient arrangement.

                  Aesthetics After Finitude

                  【一文读懂比特币和区块链】区块链技术与应用_厦门大学数据 ...:2021-1-4 · 2021年,20多岁的单身男青年小伟,热衷于搜集各种小电影资源,为此他还建了一个社区,还可众花钱成为社区VIP,看到更多好片。 在社区里有一位程序猿大哥,表示想花3000个比特币买VIP的资格。 “啊?彼特毕?彼特毕是啥子?我这里的VIP收费一年要300块

                  Traditionally aesthetics has been associated with phenomenal experience, human apprehension and an appreciation of beauty—the domains in which human cognition is rendered finite. What is an aesthetics that might occur ‘after finitude’?


                  (edited by Lara Stevens)

                  Politics, Ethics and Performance: Hélène Cixous and the Théâtre du Soleil is a collection of essays by French feminist poet, playwright and philosopher Hélène Cixous. Cixous’ performative and poetic mode of writing explores the relationship between theatrical performance and contemporary politics.


                  Reflections on Presence are philosophical aphorisms that investigate the interconnected nature of the material and the mental worlds. They addresses concerns of contemporary thinking, like language, ethics, faith and individuality and construct a program for the re-invention of the dominant contemporary philosophical paradigm which is reluctant to articulate positive statements bout reality. From the perspective of Marcus Aurelius, Ignatius Loyola and Nikos Kazantzakis they address the concerns raised by Blaise Pascal, Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger.

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                    • The Works of Gilles Deleuze I: 1953-1969
                    • 2021上半年互联网黑产研究报告:2021-7-27 · 腾讯安全联合实验室整理了2021年上半年互联网黑产攻击数据和发展现状,分别从移动端和PC端两个方面详细解读黑色产业链的具体特征、攻防技术和发展态势,为大家揭开互联网黑产的面纱。
                    • Lionel Fogarty Selected Poems 1980-2017
                    • These Wonderful Spring Days
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                    • The Works of Gilles Deleuze I: 1953-1969 – CLOTH
                    • The Works of Gilles Deleuze I: 1953-1969
                    • (Un)Willing Collectives: On Castoriadis, Philosophy and Politics
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